Monday, October 18, 2010

Initial Results

Maggie and the Third Grade Blues had been sent to several editors.  Most publishing houses will respond in three months if interested.  So far:
Dial—sent the manuscript; no reply
Arthur Levine—sent the manuscript; a signed rejection
Atheneum—sent a query; no reply
Clarion—sent the manuscript; no reply
Flashlight Press—emailed the manuscript; personal reply: a sweet story, but only publishes 2 PB/year
Tricycle Press—liked my previous submission, sent the manuscript, received a personal rejection   
Christy Ottaviano Books:  project not right for her list, personal rejection with a sticker!

Andrea Brown Literary Agency—sent an e-query + manuscript; no response after 6 weeks
Writers House Agency:  personal rejection 
Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency:  post card, no thank you

Contest news: 
The Decatur Public Library Annual Writing Contest—contest discontinued this year

And finally, better news:
The Alabama Writers’ Conclave Annual Contest—Honorable Mention
Writers’ Digest—among the top 100 winners

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